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Publications and Thesis
The Physiological Effects of Breathing Exercises, Graduate Student of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1:34, 1985
The influence of constitution theory on the treatment strategy from classic TCM guide “Jin Gui Yao Lue”. Thesis. Presenting at Chengdu Univ. of TCM, Sept. 1987
Reference for Internal Medicine, The People’s Health Press Beijing, 1988
Review on Circadian Rhythm of Cell-mediate Immunology, Traditional Chinese Medicine Tribunal Chengdu, 1988
Circadian Rhythm of Adherence Activity of RBC in Normal Rabbits, The Compilatory of the International Conference of Chronobiology at Chengdu, China, Oct. 1988. P. 232. Co-author: Lo Yongzen
Production and identification of monoclonal anti-idiotype antibody that bears the internal image of HbsAG epitope, J. Immunology (China) 5:160, 1989. Co-authors: Dr. Wang Dao-Ruo, Dr. Yang De
The Role of the Laboratory in the Diagnosis of Rheumatic Disorders, The Proceedings, XV World Congress of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. P. 429 – 435, Firenze, Italy, May 16 – 20, 1989. Co-author: Friedrich Hasler, M.D.
Production of procoagulant activity by synovial fluid mononuclear cells and low synovial plasmin activity in rheumatoid arthritis (in press). Co-author: Friedrich Hasler, M.D., Cemal Kuyas, Ph.D. (Switzerland)
The First Swiss Seminar in Advanced Rheumatology, Bad Ragaz, 1988, The Sichuan Press of Science and Technology, China (Translation to Chinese)
Production and Characterization of Anti-idiotype Antibody as a Potential Vaccine against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Thesis Presentation at University of Guelph, Canada, May 1992
Clinical Application of Holographic Eight-Extraordinary Channels, The Proceedings, The 10th anniversary conference of WFAS, Nov. 1997, Beijing, China. P. 229
Introducing the Holographic – Jin Luo System, World Journal of Acupuncture – Moxibustion, Issue 2, Vol. 8, 1998, P. 29 – 31
Introducing the JiaJi Channel, The Proceedings, WFAS Conference, Oct. 1998, Barcelona, Spain
How TCM (CMAAC) and Wildlife Communities are Working Together, Panel discussion: Healthy People, Healthy Planet. An international conference on TCM and endangered wildlife conservation. Nov. 1999, Beijing, China
Consumer’s Reference on TCM and Alternatives to Endangered Species Brochure for distribution to TCM clinics, schools, and pharmacies across Canada, Co-author TTMAC, 1999 Toronto
Cerebellum Scalp Acupuncture for Neurological Disorder. Panel Abstract P. 52, 4th World Congress of Medical Acupuncture & Natural Medicine, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, August 2000
TCM & Acupuncture for Children & Adolescents Depression. Abstracts P. 55, The 5th World Conference of Acupuncture WFAS, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 2000
The true nature of auricular points. Abstract P. 215 – 216. WFAS international symposium on acupuncture. Rome, Italy, Nov. 2002
New image of chong mai. Abstract P. 49. WFAS international symposium on acupuncture. Oslo, Norway, Sept. 2003
4 Records of Ambiopia, Depressive Disorder and Insomnia treated with therapia of stamping by finger. Journal of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine P. 48 – 51. Vol. 28, NoM3, 2005
Qiao mai & Parkinson’s. Abstract P. 60. WFAS international symposium of Acupuncture. Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2005
Xuanyuan Auricular Acupuncture and Clinical Applications by Yifang Tian, published in 2017. For more information, please read a detailed description on the Meet Professor Tian page.