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Prof. YiFang Tian (Professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture) presenting workshop on "Double Vision Treatment with Xuan-Yuan Style Acupuncture" at the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) Toronto 2015 Conference.
She is the Chairman of the Academic Committee of WFAS Toronto 2015, one of the main organizers.

In 1987, WFAS was formed under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO). WFAS is the only international organization that unites Western Medicine and TCM organizations.
WFAS Toronto 2015 has been well represented by delegates from 26 countries (among six continents: Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, and Oceania) - a community of clinicians, leaders, researchers, educators and students coming together for high level academic exchanges, promoting TCM and acupuncture, for the well-being of people in the world!
Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic in Waterloo
Prof. YiFang Tian, Professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, comes from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, in the southwest of China. She graduated from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) after eight years of full-time studies. For the first five years she was enrolled in general TCM and Acupuncture as well as Western Medical Sciences. This was followed by another three years of postgraduate studies for the special TCM field “Jin Gui Yao Lue”, integrating basic TCM theory with clinical practices.
Chengdu University is one of the oldest TCM universities (founded in 1956) and is ranked by the World Health Organization among the front four of about 30 TCM universities in China. The strongest academic fields of this university are:

Research on eight extraordinary meridians, called “Ji-jin-ba-mais”. In 1958, Chairman Mao interviewed and praised the university’s Vice-President Professor Dr. Wu Tiao Xian for his contributions on this subject.
“The Chinese Herbology Textbook” (The Province of Sichuan grows about 2/3 of the total 10,000 Chinese herbs)
“The Principles of Prescribing Chinese Herbal Formulas”
“The Ophthalmology of TCM” (disease of the eyes)
“The Disease of the Colon”
“TCM Documents Research”
The classic “Jin Gui Yao Lue”, which is a guiding reference book about how to integrate basic TCM theory with clinical observation to make treatment strategies. This book is the bible for TCM. It was written 2,000 years ago by one of the greatest TCM doctors in history, Dr. Zhang Zhongjing, during the Han Dynasty.
TCM and Acupuncture doctors for Chairman Mao and other ministers were often chosen from this university. Among them were the former President Li Shizhen and Professor Li Zhong-yu, well known for their high healing skills.
Prof. Tian was a Supervisor at the teaching hospital and an Assistant Professor in the Internal Medicine Department of Chengdu University before she went abroad.
In 1989, Prof. Tian went to Switzerland, where she successfully completed a postgraduate medical study in Rheumatology, which deepened her understanding on the pathogenic mechanism of rheumatic arthritis.
In late 1989, Prof. Tian received a postgraduate scholarship from the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to come to Canada. At the University of Guelph in the Department of Microbiology, she studied and did research on anti-idiotype antibodies for two and a half years and successfully completed her thesis: “Production and characterization of anti-idiotype antibodies as a potential vaccine against pseudomonas aeruginosa”. She obtained a Master of Science degree from the University of Guelph in May 1992.
During her studies she observed that many people suffered from chronic illnesses which were not cured by antibiotics or surgery. By her experience, most of these kinds of illnesses can be helped by acupuncture and herbal remedies. Therefore in June 1992, Prof. Tian opened her “Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic” in Guelph. In March 1993, she established a second clinic in Waterloo. Her Waterloo clinic is one of the oldest acupuncture clinics in the Golden Triangle. For more than 20 years Prof. Tian has helped many people suffering from different kinds of illnesses. Her patients often come with the whole family, three or even four generations. Quite a few of her patients work in health care related fields themselves as General Practitioners (GPs), Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Dentists, etc. Prof. Tian's principles and philosophy are: Highest professional standards and care and respect for the patients. Her goal is to obtain at least 95% of success in helping her patients’ satisfaction beyond expectations.
Prof. Tian was a board member and is now an advisor of the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (CMAAC). She also served as general secretary and was a member of the Education Committee.
We Offer Treatment For:
- Menopause
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- Hormone balance
- Neck, shoulder, back and foot pains
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- Lung, urinary and digestive disorders
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Therapy Services
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- Parkinson’s disease
Professional Experience, Certifications and Degrees
- R.TCMP, R. Ac (Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist from College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO)
- Graduated from Chengdu University of Traditional Medicine
- M.D. from the University of China
- Post-doctorate in Rheumatology from Switzerland
- M.Sc. in Microbiology and Immunology
- Former Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at Chengdu University
- Board Member and Academic Advisor of the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada
- Acupuncture
- Chinese herbal remedy
- Nutrition and food sensitivity counsel
- Holographic meridian therapy
Xuanyuan Auricular Acupuncture and Clinical Applications
by Yifang Tian

This book introduces the complete Xuanyuan auricular Jingluo system and the 50-meridian differentiation pattern. This pattern enables practitioners to differentiate, and then utilize, 50 meridians in their clinical practice, augmenting the 14-meridian pattern that has been used since the Yuan dynasty. Throughout the book, the author has created the images of the Xuanyuan auricular Jingluo system, illustrating the origin of meridians in the ear, the direction of the energy flow of meridians, and the connection between the ear and macro (body) meridians. Included are images of the big Collateral of the Spleen, the Jiaji Mai, the Chong Mai, and the Collaterals of Du Mai, Ying-qi, and Wei-qi, which have never before been delineated. The clinical applications for various illness and disorders, as well as challenging problems facing modern patients, are explained in Chapters 3 and 4, with step-by-step guidelines to master the clinical approach and treatment. In summary, this book represents an innovative development in Traditional Chinese Medicine and in the Jingluo system as outlined in the classic texts of the Nei Jing and Nan Jing.
About the Author

Prof. Yifang Tian graduated from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM in Sichuan Province, China. She completed five years of study in general TCM and Acupuncture, and then another three years of postgraduate study on Jin Kui Yao Lue, one of the classics of TCM, obtaining an M.D. (TCM) degree in 1987. She taught at Chengdu University of TCM after graduation as well as supervised clinical practice interns in the teaching hospital. In 1989, she received a postdoctoral research fellowship from the Rheumatic Arthritis Association of Switzerland, and studied and researched rheumatic arthritis at the Bad Ragaz Medical Centre in Switzerland. In 1991, and again in 1992, she received scholarships from the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, to produce and characterize anti-idiotypic antibodies as a potential vaccine against Pseudomonas aeruginosa at the University of Guelph. She earned a M.Sc. degree from University of Guelph in 1992. She has been the general secretary and is now the academic advisor for the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (CMAAC), and is also an adjunct professor at the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Over the past 20 years, Prof. Tian has lectured in China, Canada, USA, Singapore, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Norway, South Korea, Indonesia, Germany and Australia. Since 1992, she has been the director of the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic, first in the city of Guelph, and later in Waterloo, in Southern Ontario. She also participates in teaching, researching and promoting TCM and acupuncture in Toronto and local communities. She was the chairman of the academic committee of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Society (WFAS) for the 2015 Conference in Toronto.
Where to Purchase
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1. Xuanyuan Auricular Acupuncture is a Revolutionary Auricular Acupuncture Model, it combines the three basic characters of TCM classic acupuncture.
First, the Systematization character: Twelve regular Channels, fifteen collaterals, Twelve Sinews, Nine Extraordinary Channels, plus Ying-qi and Wei-qi. Discussed systematically and respectively.
Second, the United character: it reveals that the ear is the origin of meridians, described how the Ear, mind, body meridian and viscera connects as a whole, and influence each other physically and pathogenically.
Third, the differentiation character: the TCM acupuncture theories and principles, differentiation patterns such as Yin-Yang, Eight Gangs, shangHan Six Jings, and Zang-Fu differentiation, applied to guide the analysis and acupoints selection.
2. The 50 differentiation angles ( or views VS old 14) of Xuanyuan Auricular Acupuncture Model can assist deeper, three-dimensional analyze in clinical practice, there for, can treat problems not only limited in the Twelve regular channels plus Ren Mai and Du Mai but also can treat problems in the fifteen Collaterals, the Twelve Sinews, the Chong Mai. Daily Mai, the Yin and Yangtze Qiao Mais, the Yin and Yangtze Wei Mais, and Ying-qi Mai, Wei-qi Mai, overcoming the difficulty of lack of acupoints in those meridians, bridging and guiding healing -Qi to reach the problem spot!
3. By comparing with the "Inverted Fetal model "put out in 1950 by Dr. P. Nogier, Xuanyuan Auricular Acupuncture model is not a "site acupuncture", not an " anatomy acupuncture " at all.